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Late Medieval Cardinals Between Crises
International Congress Late Medieval Cardinals Between Crises From the Western Schism to the V Lateran Council (1378-1517)
Porto, 29-30 May 2025
Programme of the Internacional Congress
Thursday 29
9H00 – Welcome
Paula Pinto Costa (Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto)
Inês Amorim (Scientific Coordinator of CITCEM)
André Moutinho Rodrigues (CITCEM/LaMOP)
9H15 – Session 1
Chair: Kirsi Salonen (U. Bergen)
Armand Jamme (CNRS Lyon) – The deepest roots of the Great Western Schism: status and powers of cardinals before 1378
Christophe Masson (F.R.S.-FNRS / U. Liège) – The Avignonese Cardinals’ Society: An Insight into Prelates’ Personal Networks during the Great Western Schism (1378-1403)
Carol M. Richardson (University of Edinburgh) – The Lasting Implications of Three Popes and Three Colleges of Cardinals
10H45 – Discussion
11H15 – Break
11H30 – Session 2
Chair: Luís Carlos Amaral (U. Porto/CITCEM)
Ágnes Maléth (University of Szeged) – Cardinal in the time of crises: the diplomatic role of Bálint Alsáni, cardinal-priest of Santa Sabina
Mário Farelo (Universidade Minho) – Were ecclesiastical benefices in commendam a hallmark of cardinal interventionism in Portugal during the 15th century?
12h30 – Discussion
13H00 – Lunch Break
15H00 – Session 3
Chair: Maria João Oliveira e Silva (CITCEM)
Eric Védrenne (Sorbonne Université) – Niccolò Albergati: Fortune and Misfortune of a Cardinal as Exemplar in the 15th Century
Nuno de Pinho Falcão (IHLM-UNILAB/CITCEM) – “Tiara et purpura Veneta”: the Correr-Condulmer dynasty and the reform of the Church
16H00 – Discussion
16H30 – Break
16H45 – Session 4
Chair: Francesco Renzi (CITCEM/UCP)
Alexandre Parent (U. Torino/U. Savoie Mont-Blanc) – The cardinals of antipope Felix V: a study through his corpus of bulls
Andreas Rehberg (Deutsches Historisches Institut in Rom) – Urbi et Orbi! The Role of the Romans in the Cardinals College, from the Late 13th Century to the Sacco of Rome (1527)
17H45 – Discussion
Friday 30
9H30 – Session 5
Chair: André Moutinho Rodrigues (CITCEM/LaMOP)
César Costa (CITCEM) – D. Luís do Amaral (1381-1444): a prelate at the service of the crown in times of reforms
Gergely Bálint Kiss (University of Pécs) – Juan de Carvajal, angelus pacis? A papal legate facing the crises and challenges of the 15th century
Alexander Koller (Deutsches Historisches Institut in Rom) – Luigi d’Aragona. A cardinal travelling (1517/18)
11H00 – Discussion
11H30 – Break
11H45 – Session 6
Chair: Hugo Ribeiro da Silva (U. Porto/CITCEM)
Jessika Nowak (U. Wuppertal) – When Cardinals Embrace Encryption and Transform into the Ciphers Themselves. Diplomatic Practices in the Midst of the Fifteenth Century
Pierre-Bénigne Dufouleur (Villa I Tatti) – Geographical mobility and diplomatic mediation of a late medieval cardinal: Innocenzo Cybo (1491-1550)
12H45 – Discussion
13H00 – Lunch Break
15H00 – Session 7
Chair: Maria Cristina Cunha (U. Porto/CITCEM)
Lukasz Zak (Università della Santa Croce) – Around the Pope: The Theological and Political Significance of the Prayers ad circulum
Antony Roch (Université de Fribourg) – From collective to individual: the transforming face of cardinal identity in the 15th century
Francesco Somaini (Università del Salento) – Crisis and transformations of the cardinalate between the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance
16H30 – Discussion
17H00 – Closing Session
Kirsi Salonen (University of Bergen)
Maria João Oliveira e Silva (CITCEM)
André Moutinho Rodrigues (CITCEM/LaMOP)