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Results CITCEM / Afrontamento University Thesis Prize 2020 and 2021
Since 2011, CITCEM – Center for Transdisciplinary Research “Culture, Space & Memory”, in collaboration with Edições Afrontamento, has awarded the CITCEM/ AFRONTAMENTO “UNIVERSITY THESIS” PRIZE.
This award aims to distinguish the best doctoral theses presented by researchers at any Portuguese or foreign university in the year prior to its award. The Prize has as a condition that the theses have obtained the highest classification in the Universities to which they were submitted, and intends to provide greater visibility and public dissemination of the academic research developed in the scope of CITCEM.
The jury members will be responsible for assessing the various works, based on the following criteria: originality, transdisciplinarity, literary quality, and suitability of the thesis for book publication.
In the 2020 edition the following theses won, ex-aequo:
“The climate of Northwest Portugal (1600-1855): from discourses to impacts,” by Luís Pedro Silva.
“Camilo Castelo Branco’s Experiences from his Correspondence,” by José Manuel Oliveira.
In the 2021 edition the following theses won, ex-aequo:
“The notary in the city of Porto in the 15th century”, by Ricardo Seabra.
“Le strutture fortificate medieval nel território della Diocesi di Porto (Nord del Portogalio) e della Brianza (Nord Italia): uno studio comparativo (IX-XII secolo)”, by Andrea Mariani.