"Leprosy in Portugal during the Middle Ages" interview to Ana Rita Rocha
What is leprosy, what is its origin, and what characteristics does it have? What is the origin of this disease that, in the 1980s, still affected more than 5 million people every year? How was it treated and in which institutions? What was the great legacy that the leprosy outbreak left in our society?
These and other questions are answered by Ana Rita Rocha (IEM, FCSH-NOVA), PhD in history from the University of Coimbra and current researcher at the Institute of Medieval Studies at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, New University of Lisbon. Ana Rita Rocha brings us the topic “Leprosy in Portugal during the Middle Ages”, another interview that integrates the initiative “Pandemics and History in the Covid-19 Era“.
The interview can be seen through the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1a46VcslXis
Podcast version: https://up.pt/casacomum/pandemias-e-historia-na-era-da-covid-19/8-ana-rita-rocha-a-lepra-em-portugal-durante-a-idade-media/
The remaining interviews of this initiative can be found on CITCEM’s Youtube channel.
We invite the entire scientific community to participate in this initiative. Those interested should contact CITCEM (citcem@letras.up.pt) or send an e-mail to fmiranda@letras.up.pt.