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Investigation Group
Event type:
VIII International Conference on the History of Architecture | The Design of Architecture
Houses, theaters, churches, courts, factories, cemeteries, ports, railway stations, gardens, museums, streets, squares, schools, hospitals, are some of the names of spaces built to respond to the timeless challenges of Dwelling. They are spaces with differentiated functions that materialize the constructive, inventive, and creative tenacity to inhabit the territories in articulation with Time, Culture, Place and Nature. In Long Time, some of these objects have surprised the function they perform by the boldness of the science and creativity that were practiced by their author and have registered themselves as unique objects in the History of Architecture, influencing the projectual practice and the architectural design of the cities we inhabit.
The forms and programs of architectures result from the materialization of the “idea”, which, before the built space, was represented by the scratch/design or the model. The discovery of the Perspective promoted the three-dimensional representation of space and Architecture.
From the 19th century on, drawings of building plans and elevations became a procedural requirement for building approval.
In the 15th century Leon Batista Alberti considered that the architectural program included the structure and the “ornamentation”. And in the following century Francisco de Holanda wrote about the meaning of drawing:
“Drawing, which and another name is called a debauch, consists in it and is the source and body of painting and sculpture and architecture and every other genre of painting and the root of all the sciences.”
Architectural Design is based on the conceptual understanding of the architectural object/space, as an idea and materialization in a cultural context.
Thematic Lines
- Drawings, scratches, mock-ups and projects
- Authors, Treatises and Models
- Architects’ Sketches and Journals
- Iconography of Architecture
- Urban Landscape Design
Mandatory Registration
Researchers from CITCEM, IACOBUS, CIRICE (with/without communication) – 0€
Participants (with communication) – 100
Participants (without communication) – 80
Students – 20