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Investigation Group
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Cultural Heritage & Human Rights
Cultural Heritage & Human Rights
is the name of the exhibition resulting from a PhD project in Heritage Studies at the Faculty of Arts, University of Porto (FLUP).
Exploring the complexity of the relationship between Cultural Heritage and Human Rights, the exhibition brings together 14 photographs captured in different countries (Portugal, Germany, Brazil, Timor, Romania, Morocco) over the years 2000, which reveal ways of life, practices, traditions, and knowledge.
One of the cases where heritage enhances traditional materials and techniques that help preserve habitats and combat climate change is the example of the Gali Fields in Germany, where a monastery is being built following 9th century practices.
In short, by exploring points of contact and tension between Heritage and Human Rights, the exhibition invites us to question the rights, freedoms, and duties associated with the enjoyment of Cultural Heritage.
It will open on March 11th, at 5pm, at the Casa Comum (to the Rectory) of U.Porto and will be open to the public until April 6th, 2023. It will also have an online version, to be made available on the Google Arts & Culture PT platform.
The inauguration will be accompanied by a round table discussion, during which issues such as sustainability, development and international legislation will be debated. Elena-Maria Cautis (PhD candidate in Environmental Sustainability and Welfare at UFerrara), Carlos Burgos Tartera (Master in Cultural Tourism at UGirona), William Long (Master in Law at UOxford) and Miruna Gãman (PhD candidate in Space, Image, Text and Territory at UBucareste) will be present. Cultural Heritage & Human Rights is the result of a collaboration between FLUP (through Inês de Carvalho Costa’s PhD project in Heritage Studies, entitled Cultural Heritage and Human Rights: Ibero-American Experiences (2000s)The project was supervised by Maria Leonor Botelho (CITCEM-FLUP) and Rodrigo Christofoletti (UFJF, Brazil), the Center for Transdisciplinary Research Culture, Space and Memory, and the international network HeritaGeeks.
The PhD project is funded by the Portuguese Republic, the Foundation for Science and Technology (2021.07318.BD) and the European Social Fund