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Investigation Group
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Congress Narratives and poetics of the self: spiritualities, projection of the inner world and boundaries of intimacy in Hispanic studies
Las escrituras del yo, concepto surgido y desarrollado inicialmente en el ámbito de la teoría literaria francesa contemporánea (Genette, Doubrovsky, Ricoeur, Gusdorf, Lejeune, Colonna), tardaron en despuntar en el contexto hispánico, como advierte Molloy (1996). Frente al extendido prejuicio de que las culturas latinas, y especialmente la hispánica, han sido tradicionalmente poco permeables a los relatos de la subjetividad, Molloy defiende que la falta de interés radicaba no en la escasez de relatos de vida en primera persona, sino más bien en la actitud con que estos habían sido recibidos y catalogados.
Today, however, the panorama is radically different: the corpus of author-referential texts created and studied, both in Spain and in Hispanoamerica, has been growing and becoming visible, as criticism has been consolidated around these previously peripheral writings (Alberca, Amago, Casas). En ese sentido, Pozuelo Yvancos (2014) highlights “la enorme importancia que en la cultura presente española tiene el memorialismo, las vidas contadas, los testimonios del yo”.
Under the common denomination of “writing of the self” different textual genres are encompassed: besides poetry and the classical biographical novels, we speak of testimonial novels, novels in key, chronicles, autobiographies, autofictions, metafictions, memoirs, intimate diaries, correspondence, etc.
This diversity demands critical approaches and approaches that must necessarily go beyond the classic distinction between “reality” and “fiction”. Hence, the interest in re-examining the wide variety of literary textual genres included in this field, their ramifications, similarities, differences, as well as their intersectional relations – by their border condition or by their hybridism – with disciplines such as film, history, philosophy, translation, journalism, and with newer means of communication, such as social networks, has recently arisen in academia.
On the other hand, the expression of subjectivity in narratives and poetics of the self allows multiple critical approaches, since the subject is a multidimensional reality that is difficult to encapsulate and classify univocally. In this sense, in recent years there has been a proliferation of theoretical discussions, conferences and publications focused on the body of the subject and its forms of expression. No obstante, atendiendo al actual contexto pandémico, que ha socavado la realidad tal y como la conocíamos, provocando crisis en diversos ámbitos, incluido el personal, en el XI Congreso de BETA, pretendemos abordar la escritura subjetiva o autorreferencial en relación con la indagación acerca de la transcendencia y la espiritualidad del sujeto, la proyección de su mundo interior y la búsqueda del sentido de la existencia.
Por consiguiente, partiendo de estas reflexiones, invitamos a los miembros de BETA (investigadores/as cuyo doctorado se haya obtenido a partir de 2011) a presentar trabajos que encajen en alguna de las siguientes líneas temáticas:
The concepts of “truth” and “fiction” and their literary intersections: autobiographies, autofictions, metafictions, roman à clef, testimonies, intimate diaries, memoirs, correspondence.
Las escrituras del yo en la literatura hispánica y su recepción crítica: coincidencias y divergencias con otras tradiciones literarias.
The search for meaning and forms of expression of spirituality in literary discourse.
El yo frente a la adversidad en tiempos de crisis: adaptación, memoria, trauma y olvido consciente.
Intimidad vs. mediática exposición: confluencias entre literatura, psicología, cine, fotografía, medios de comunicación y redes sociales.
La construcción lingüística de los discursos literarios autorreferenciales.
Literary subjectivity and translation: state of the question and future prospects.
La cuestión de la identidad en la literatura y otras manifestaciones culturales que persiguen la trascendencia.
Ángel Esteban del Campo (Universidad de Granada)
Ângela Fernandes (University of Lisbon)
Antonio Sáez Delgado (University of Évora)
Diego Santos Sánchez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
María José Bruña Bragado (Universidad de Salamanca)
Virtual (through the Zoom platform).
Pueden enviar propuestas de comunicación para este Congreso los miembros de BETA (profesores/as y investigadores/as cuyo doctorado se haya obtenido a partir del año 2011). Those who wish to become members in order to participate should follow the indications found on the website of the BETA Association, specifically on the following link: http://asociacionbeta.com/betate/.
The communication proposals (20 minutes and in Spanish):
They should have a maximum of 300 words and a minimum of 250.
They must include a brief rationale, the research objectives, the methodology and, in addition, the indication of the thematic line in which they fall.
They must also contain five key words.
Tienen que ir acompañadas del nombre del autor/a, su filiación académica, correo electrónico, la fecha de obtención del grado de doctor/a y de una sintética nota curricular (150 palabras como máximo).
They must be sent to the electronic address of the Congress: congresobeta2021@letras.up.pt.
The deadline for submitting proposals is September 5, 2021, and notification of acceptance will be by e-mail as of October 5, 2021. The provisional program and all information regarding the Congress will be updated on the BETA website: www.asociacionbeta.com, under the tab “Congresses”.
In order to participate in the Congress, it will be necessary to pay the BETA membership fee before October 31, 2021. Once the acceptance of the proposals is communicated, the Organizing Committee and the Board of Directors of BETA will provide all the necessary information to formalize the payment. The quotas will be those indicated below:
– BETA members (annual membership + conference): 60 euros
– Former BETA members (without communication): 35 euros
– Non-attending attendees (with certificate): 20 €.
(Faculty of Arts, University of Porto)
Mirta Fernández dos Santos and Pilar Nicolás Martínez (coordinators)
✓ Andrea Rodríguez Iglesias
✓ Fernando Ruiz Pérez
Julio M. Sánchez Tello
Marta Pazos Anido
Monica Barros Lorenzo
António Apolinário Lourenço (University of Coimbra)
Carina Blixen (Dep. de Investigaciones de la Biblioteca Nacional de Uruguay)
Claudio Castro Filho (University of Coimbra)
✓ Gabriel Augusto Coelho Magalhães (University of Beira Interior)
Isabel Araújo Branco (New University of Lisbon)
Izara Batres (Universidad Nebrija)
Mirta Fernández dos Santos (University of Porto)
Pilar Nicolás Martínez (University of Porto)
Sabrina S. Laroussi (Virginia Military Institute)
Santiago Pérez Isasi (University of Lisbon)
Santiago Sevilla Vallejo (Universidad de Salamanca)
Valeria Cavazzino (Università degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale)
Xaquín Núñez Sabarís (University of Minho)
Yasmina Romero-Morales (president)
Giulia Tosolini
Giuliana Calabrese
Luca Cerullo
Mirta Fernández dos Santos
Rosario Hall
Sabrina S. Laroussi
Zaida Vila Carneiro
For any questions or clarifications, you can contact the Congress coordinator through the e-mail congresobeta2021@letras.up.pt.
Contact Person: Mirta Fernández dos Santos
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