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Investigation Group
Event type:
Commemoration of 500 Years of Rua das Flores The street "Santa Catarina das Flores": five centuries in the urban structure of Porto
Colloquium:The street in the urban structure
Place: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (face-to-face and by teleconference)
(Via Panorâmica s/n
4150-564 Porto
Date: November 11, 12 and 13
Registration for the Colloquium “The Street in the Urban Structure” is now open
Planned or organic streets are part of the city’s design, and their facies is shaped and transformed by continued occupation over time. Some streets and arteries, because of the functions they perform, are crucial for understanding the growth of the urban structure and for the identity of the landscape. They have a genesis and a development, and as a living organism occupied by residents and passers-by, the face of the street will undergo transformations. The same change can be seen in the functions that give it its character.
On the occasion of the celebration of the opening of Rua das Flores, in the city of Porto, five hundred years ago, we propose to hold this colloquium for reflection/study on the role of the street in the urban structure and image.
Thematic axes
– The street in urban iconography
– The street in the city dynamics: functions
– The street building: formation, transformation and requalification
Official Languages
Portuguese, Spanish, English, Italian.
Important Dates
Until June 15, 2021: submission of proposals, via 500anos-ruadasflores@scmp.pt, with:
- Indication of the respective thematic axis;
- Abstract (maximum 1000 characters, spaces included);
- Up to five keywords;
- Biographical note (maximum 500 characters, spaces included).
By July 10, 2021: notification of acceptance.
Until December 31, 2021: submission of full texts for publication (maximum 20,000 characters, spaces included).
Booking Attendees Without Communication
registration is mandatory and free of charge.
More information at https://historiadaarquitetura.weebly.com/
Scientific Committee
Alfredo Buccaro (Università di Napoli Frederico II)
Amélia Polónia (University of Porto)
Carla Fernández Martínez (Universidad de Oviedo)
Francisco Ollero Lobato (Universidad de Sevilla)
Gonçalo Vasconcelos e Sousa (Portuguese Catholic University)
José Ferrão Afonso (Portuguese Catholic University)
Juan Manuel Monterroso Montero (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)
Lúcia Cardoso Rosas (University of Porto)
Luísa Trindade (University of Coimbra)
Lurdes Craveiro (University of Coimbra)
Mário Barroca (University of Porto
Olimpia Niglio (Hokkaido University, Japan)
Rui Humberto Fernandes Póvoas (University of Porto)
Walter Rossa (University of Coimbra)
Organizing Committee
Francisco Ribeiro da Silva (Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto)
José António Parada Ferreira e Silva (Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto)
Manuel Joaquim Moreira da Rocha (University of Porto)
Maria Leonor Botelho (University of Porto)
Nuno Resende (University of Porto)
Pedro Nunes (Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto)
Organization organization
Porto’s Holy House of Mercy
CITCEM/FLUP – University of Porto
Porto City Hall
SCMP – Porto’s Holy House of Mercy
CITCEM – Center for Transdisciplinary Research “Culture, Space and Memory