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Investigation Group
Event type:
8th SESSION OIC 2023/24 "The value of architectural space in the experience of threshold spaces in the museum, sound and music"
Session leader: Louise Palma & Fabiana Dicuonzo
Session title:
The value of architectural space in the experience of threshold spaces in the museum, sound and music
Session Summary:
How can we establish links between architectural, artistic and musical practices? How is it possible to expand the forms of learning from different architectural spaces? How do architectures influence the experiences of the people who occupy these spaces? How does sound fill spaces? Based on these questions, the aim of this session is to explore how architecture influences people’s embodied experiences, both in spaces conceived as public and private, thus relating to ways of learning and interpreting content through the senses – beyond sight. The understanding that we perceive the world in a multimodal way has led museums to expand their resources in order to reach the public, broadening their capacity to construct meanings and considering the role of the body in the production of knowledge, not only in their exhibition spaces, but also in the so-called liminal spaces. On the other hand, residential spaces dedicated to music are directly related to architectural practices and the fine line between what is public and what is private. In this sense, the papers address the sound environments created in exhibitions, in which sound fills the architectural space, offering another interpretative layer; the liminal spaces of museums and their social potential; and music rooms as spaces of enjoyment and artistic practice situated between the public and the private.
Titles of the communications and names of those involved:
Between public and private: music rooms in residential spaces in the districts of Coimbra and Viseu | Ana Ester Tavares
Museums as meeting places: learning from educational spaces | Fabiana Dicuonzo
Ambient sound in museums: cases of mediation and meaningful interpretation | Louise Palma
Moderators-commentators of the session:
Marta Rocha
Alice Semedo
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Webpage ICO: : https://oficinascitcem.wixsite.com/oiccitcem