Start Date:
End Date:
Investigation Group
Event type:
8th SESSION ICO 2021/22 "Paradigm shift from Democratization of Culture to Cultural Democracy..."
Names of the speakers and titles of their papers
Miguel Bandeira Duarte – “My Neighborhood Museum
Cláudia Albino – Publishing, Design, Crafts & Industry. A transdisciplinary project promoting cultural democracy
Sérgio Pereira – From theory to practice: cultural democracy in the Varosa|Vale project
Madina Ziganshina – Magic Wand: Challenges for Democratization of Culture and Cultural Democracy in the Age of Digitization in Local Museums and Cultural Centers
Pedro Bessa – Between good taste and common sense: cultural democracy and artistic excellence in the new millennium
Session proposer
Madina Ziganshina (Material and Immaterial Heritage)
* The session will be held in online format with simulcast in Meeting Room 1, starting at 2:30 pm.
OIC Webpage: https://oiccitcem.wixsite.com/oficinascitcem
Scientific Committee
CITCEM Executive Committee
Organizing Committee
Carla Sequeira
Joana Lencart