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Investigation Group
Event type:
26th SESSION OIC 2021/22 "Heritage Studies: research, communication, enhancement"
Session proponents: Marisa Pereira Santos (Material and Immaterial Patrimony) and Cátia Oliveira (Material and Immaterial Patrimony)
Title/General session theme: “Heritage Studies: research, communication, valorization”.
Name of speakers and their paper titles:
From Research to Strategy: Approaches on Communicating Heritage | Cátia Oliveira
“Clay Puppets: Concepts and Issues in the Production of Barcelos Figurines | Ana Rita Correia
Traditional workshop: a museum in power | Diana Felícia and Cecília Cardoso
The Christian Sacred Art Nucleus of the Marciano Azuaga Collection | João Fernandes
Communicating Heritage: the contribution of drawing to the study of the Church of Saint John the Baptist of Foz do Douro | . Marisa Pereira Santos and Tiago Cruz
This session will take place in Meeting Room 1, with free admission.
OIC Webpage: https://oiccitcem.wixsite.com/oficinascitcem
Scientific Committee
CITCEM Executive Committee
Organizing Committee
Carla Sequeira
Joana Lencart