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Investigation Group
Event type:
2nd ICO SESSION 2022/23 "Aspects generally forgotten, but present, in the wars of the Ancien Regime and the Iberian Peninsula"
Session proponents: Evaristo C. Martínez-Radío Garrido (Transaction values/transition values)
Title/General Theme of Session: “Aspects generally forgotten, but present, in the wars of the Ancient Regime and the Iberian Peninsula”
Name of speakers and their paper titles:
Jonathan Bar Shuali – Cotidianidad, religión, identidad y principios morales como objeto de comprensión del soldado de la Guerra de Independencia española. The case of the Ultonia Infantry Regiment in Gerona (1808-1809)
Javier Bragado Echevarría – Military management and foreign soldiers in the Spanish Army at the end of the XVIII century: realities, models and projects
Evaristo C. Martínez-Radío Garrido – Prisoners of war and towns. personal relationships and demographic weight in the 18th Century
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OIC Webpage: https://oiccitcem.wixsite.com/oficinascitcem
Scientific Committee
CITCEM Executive Committee
Organizing Committee
Carla Sequeira
Joana Lencart