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Investigation Group
Event type:
44th ACIS conference
The Association will hold its 44th Conference, which will take place at FLUP – Faculdade de Letras, Universidade do Porto, from 6-8September 2023. It will be hosted by Dr Carla Sequeira and Dr Joana Lencart and the CITCEM of the same university. The conference will be held in a hybrid format.
You are cordially invited to offer a paper, panel, or workshop presentation. Proposals for individual papers as well as panels on specific themes (max. four papers per panel) are encouraged. Any proposed panel should be organized by one convenor, who will be responsible for inviting the speakers and chairing the session. You are also invited to suggest any speakers you think would be willing to offer a paper, but please note that ACIS does not normally offer a fee or expenses for speakers.
ACIS encourages proposals from postgraduate students and a small number of partial conference fee bursaries are available – please see application process details below and encourage your students to consider this.
Below are the suggested thematic areas for papers and panels, which must advance understanding of nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first century socio-cultural, economic and political issues and realities and relate primarily to Spain and/or Portugal and transnational issues and processes relating to the Iberian Peninsula within the wider Lusophone and Hispanic worlds. Both single-disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives are encouraged and the themes listed below are not exclusive.
– Politics, Government, International Relations, the EU, Nationalism, Regionalisms, Transnational issues and processes
– Economics, Business, Labor, Social and Welfare issues
– Cultural Production in all its forms (e.g. film, television, journalism, literature, media, advertising, digital communication & social networking)
– Social and Cultural Studies (e.g. identity, gender, ethnicity, popular culture)
– Leisure, Tourism, Sport
– Contemporary History
– Language, Linguistics, Language Policy
– Education and Pedagogy
The selection of panels/papers will be made by the Conference programme convenors in consultation with the Executive Committee and these decisions will be final. Papers will be allocated 30 minutes on the program (20 mins for the paper 10 mins for discussion).
We will shortly be announcing the keynote speakers for the conference on our ACIS website. Keynote speakers in previous years have included novelist Use Lahoz, journalists and writers Elvira Lindo and Martín Caparrós, historian and diplomat Professor Angel Viñas, political science expert Professor António Costa Pinto and the Association’s President, historian Professor Paul Preston.
If you wish to offer a paper, please see the Guidelines for Papers (on the next page) and send your proposal to the ACIS 2023 Programme Convenors Dr Carla Sequeira and Dr Joana Lencart at the email address: 44acis2023@gmail.com by SUNDAY, 16th April 2023. Informal inquiries concerning papers and topics are welcome before the deadlines. Conference booking can be made at ACIS registration 2023 and there is more information about the Association at https://www.iberianstudies.net/wp/conferences