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Investigation Group
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Margins of production: relations between the river and agriculture in Minante
We invite the entire local community to take part in another session on the memories and experiences of Minante and its surroundings. Recalling the operational function of the watermills as sawmills, linen mills and flour mills, the workshop “Margens de produção” (Production margins) proposes a new look at the materials that were part of the place, in dialogue with its current condition.
Starting from the tradition of temporary wooden structures, reminiscent of local festivities in the parishes adjacent to the river, archive images and traditional irrigation systems and interaction with the river, this workshop aims to collectively create a series of objects/structures that call for other ways of relating to the river. Registration is required at https://linktr.ee/associacaorioneiva The Minante Project is promoted by Rio Neiva – Associação de Defesa do Ambiente, in partnership with CITCEM – Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar Cultura Espaço e Memória, Esposende City Council and Viana do Castelo City Council.
We also have the support of the Parish Councils of São Romão do Neiva and S.P. de Antas, as associated partners.
It is a project funded by the EIT Community / European Union, as part of the New European Bauhaus program.