Keynote Speakers

André Tavares

Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal


André Tavares (Porto, 1976) is an architect and holds a doctorate from the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Porto. Since 2006 has been founding director of Dafne Editora, an independent publishing house based in Porto. With Diogo Seixas Lopes he was editor-in-chief of the magazine Jornal Arquitectos (2013-2015) and in 2016 chief cocurator of the 4th Lisbon Architecture Triennale, The Form of Form. His book The Anatomy of the Architectural Book (Lars Müller/Canadian Centre for Architecture, 2016) addresses the crossovers between book culture and building culture. He was a research fellow at the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture of the ETH Zurich, where he wrote his last book Vitruvius Without Text (gta Verlag, 2022). Currently he is a researcher at Faculty of Architecture at the University of Porto, visiting Professor at EAVT Marne-la-Vallée Université Paris-Est, and consultant for architecture exhibitions at Garagem Sul of Centro Cultural de Belém, in Lisbon.

Filipa Ribeiro da Silva

International Institute of Social History (IISH/IISG) of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), The Hague, The Netherlands


Filipa Ribeiro da Silva is Senior Researcher at the International Institute of Social History (IISH/IISG) of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). Her main research interests are in the fields of Early Modern and Modern Economic and Social History, with a specific focus on the history of Population, Labour, Migration and Trade in Sub-Saharan Africa during the pre-colonial and colonial periods. Her latest book, co-authored with Toby Green and Philip J. Havik is African Voices from the Inquisition (vol 1): The Trial of Crispina Peres of Cacheu, Guinea-Bissau (1646-1668) (British Academy OUP, 2021).

Johanna Markkula

Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Central European University (CEU), Vienna, Austria

Johanna Markkula

Johanna Markkula is Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology of the Central European University (CEU) in Vienna, Austria. Johanna’s conducts anthropological research on global mobile labour in the context of the maritime industry, and of the sea as a social, political and legal space that is at the very foundation of global capitalism. Her work critically explores the transformation of labour, technology and infrastructure in shipping, namely through in-depth ethnographic research including working on board diverse cargo ships and in varies organizations of maritime governance, namely throughout Europe and in the Philippines. Her research contributes to debates on the political economy of oceanic circulation of capital and labour, postcolonial relations, intercultural (mis)communication and mobility studies. Johanna is presently working on a monograph, Moving Worlds: Maritime Work and Life on the Social Ocean.

Kevin St. Martin

Department of Geography, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA


Kevin St. Martin is a Professor of Geography at Rutgers University. He is a human geographer whose work is at the intersection of economic geography, political ecology, and critical cartography. His work includes critical analyses of economic and resource management discourse as well as participatory projects that work to rethink economy and foster economic and environmental wellbeing. Dr. St. Martin’s projects have in common the regulation and transformation of the marine environment. In particular, he uses the paradigmatic case of fisheries in the U.S. Northeast to better understand the power of discourse, data, and devices to shape economic and environmental outcomes. His work is published in top geography and marine policy journals and he has recently edited a volume titled Making Other Worlds Possible: Performing Diverse Economies. Dr. St. Martin is an editor of the Diverse Economies and Liveable Worlds book series, he is an associate editor for the journal Maritime Studies, and he serves on the advisory board of the Floating Laboratory of Action and Theory at Sea (FLOATS).