The Transdisciplinary Research Centre “Culture, Space and Memory” of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Porto (CITCEM) invites the academic community to its 10th Conference, centred on the theme of “Cultures of Water: Heritage, Environment and Society”, which will take place at the the Casa dos Livros (Palacete Burmester), Porto, Portugal, from 16 to 19 November 2022. The Conference aims to reflect on Cultures of Water, a theme that has been a focal point of the research developed at CITCEM since its foundation, placing the debate under a plural analysis that reflects the research directions and forms of intervention developed by academics and research centres from all over the world.

The 10th CITCEM Conference will focus on the diachronic study of coastlines and riverbanks, which approaches environmental concerns and human relations with oceans, seas, rivers and their ecosystems. The aim is to observe Cultures of Water in their diversity, from a multi-scalar perspective, considering chronological and spatial variations, preferably from an inter- and transdisciplinary perspective.

Thematic Lines

Otherness Within
Global Exchanges
Shared Territories
Environmental Change
Shifting Transitions