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Knowledge Organisation and Digital Humanities: An International Webinar Series
Digital humanities (DH) is the critical study of how digital technologies and methods increase the analysis and interpretation of research questions. It addresses old problems with new media and asks new questions that could not have been asked with traditional means of humanistic research in sciences such as History, Literature, Art History, Classical Studies, Music and many others.
Knowledge organisation (KO) is crucial for the evolution of DH, going from simple digitisation towards the creation of understandable, processable and searchable datasets. Furthermore, the variety of research projects going from the small scale into data-intensive projects promotes the discussion of solutions for both realities.
This webinar series aims to carry out a transdisciplinary approach around these topics through the presentations of several experts in KO and DH, leading to a productive discussion of theoretical and practical viewpoints.
The KODH webinars are free and aimed at students, academics, and professionals interested in developing KO and DH.
Each webinar is recorded and placed on the CITCEM YouTube Channel so you can watch it on your schedule.
March 30th
Keynote: Ying-Hsang Liu – University of Southern Denmark
June 30th
Keynote: Giovanni Colavizza – University of Amsterdam
September 30th
Keynote: Jaqueline Pierazzo – University of Porto
September 30th 2022
Keynote: Anna Foka – Uppsala University
March 30th
Keynote: Ying-Hsang Liu – University of Southern Denmark
Are Controlled Vocabularies Still Useful for Information Retrieval and Digital Humanities?
The usefulness of controlled vocabularies for information retrieval has been controversial for years, partly because of the complexities of the design and the different approaches to the evaluation from various disciplines. After a brief overview of how knowledge organization (KO) fits within the digital humanities (DH) curriculum and the recent development of data infrastructures, we will focus on the evaluation of controlled vocabularies for information retrieval by drawing from a series of controlled user experiment studies. We will demonstrate how different external variables, such as individual differences, user perceptions, and search interfaces affect search behavior, visual search, and search performance. The design and evaluation of interactive data visualization systems are proposed as a promising area for future research.
Ying-Hsang Liu is an associate professor at the Department of Design and Communication, University of Southern Denmark. He holds a Ph.D. in information science from Rutgers University in the USA, with MA in linguistics and BA in library science from Taiwan. He worked at Charles Sturt University and The Australian National University in Australia before Denmark. His research program has focused on the design of interactive information technologies, with a particular emphasis on user perceptions and individual differences and the relationship between visual search and user search behavior. Highlights of the impact of his research on industry applications include the design of system evaluation protocols for the design of conversational assistants for pilots in a cockpit environment, user evaluation and re-indexing of an educational database, and development of user-adaptive computational models through eye gaze data for information visualization interfaces. He has published more than forty-five peer-reviewed journal articles and conference papers. He has served on the editorial boards of Online Information Review and Information Processing & Management, the iSchool Digital Humanities Curriculum Committee, and chaired several ASIS&T (Association for Information Science and Technology) committees.
Link para Youtube:
June 30th
Keynote: Giovanni Colavizza – University of Amsterdam
Interlinking Cultural Heritage Collections via Scholarly Citation Networks
Cultural heritage collections, particularly of GLAM organizations (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums), provide essential primary evidence to humanities scholars. Such collections have rapidly undergone digitization and are increasingly described and made accessible as linked data. This presents an opportunity: to interlink cultural heritage collections with scholarship via citations, using knowledge graphs. Humanities scholarship contains a wealth of references to primary sources which, when made into a knowledge graph, could greatly enhance the findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability (FAIR) of heritage collections in turn.
In this session, we present a brief overview of modern-day knowledge organization approaches relying on linked data in cultural heritage organizations, and do the same for databases of scholarly publications and their citations. We then showcase a prototype citation index on the historiography on Venice, which uses citations to primary sources for enhancing the accessibility of archival records and makes use of OpenCitations, an linked data infrastructure for citations.
Giovanni Colavizza is currently Assistant Professor of Digital Humanities at the University of Amsterdam. He did his PhD at the Digital Humanities Laboratory of the EPFL in Lausanne, working on methods for text mining and citation analysis of scholarly publications, and is co-founder of Odoma, a start-up offering customised machine learning techniques in the cultural heritage domain. Colavizza is interested in topics spanning from AI for cultural heritage (part of UvA CREATE), crypto art and non-fungible token markets, the public understanding of science.
Link para Youtube:
September 30th
Keynote: Jaqueline Pierazzo – University of Porto
Reading, Encoding, Organizing: Digital Literary Studies and Knowledge Organization
The so-called digital literary studies have been shaped by some dichotomies that can be summarized in the opposition between traditional literary studies based on the printed book and close reading and the advances in the digital humanities focused on computer-assisted research methodologies and distant reading. Nevertheless, the shift from a print to a digital paradigm does not come automatically, and one might say it is still a work in progress in many Departments of Literature. Another major challenge faced by digital literary studies is the establishment of standards that may help with the preparation, development, dissemination, and preservation of projects in the field.
We will start this session by presenting the concept of digital literary studies and the dichotomies that permeate the field to then advance to the consideration of its relation to standards and terminologies such as the Taxonomy of Digital Research Activities of the Humanities (TaDiRAH) and the guidelines from the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI). Finally, we will briefly present a project that intends to combine traditional and digital literary studies to shed new light on the works of the American author Edgar Allan Poe.
Jaqueline Pierazzo is the manager of the Centre for English, Translation, and Anglo-Portuguese Studies (CETAPS) Digital Laboratory. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto, where she is working on a project concerned with the study of the evolution of the effect of terror in Edgar Allan Poe’s works through the use of digital tools and methodologies. Jaqueline Pierazzo is also working on the creation of a scholarly digital edition of the author’s writings of terror and is interested in topics such as speculative fiction, digital literary studies, and open research.
Link para Youtube: