Videos of the 12th OIC 2020/21 Session available on YouTube channel

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Videos of the 12th OIC 2020/21 Session available on YouTube channel

The videos of the 12th ICO, which took place on January 22, are already available on CITCEM’s YouTube channel. The theme of the event was “Sources and Methodologies for the Study of History in Portugal”. The bidders of this session were the researchers Fernando Mouta (Transaction Values/ Values in Transition) and Diogo Andrade Cardoso (Populations and Health), having both presented the papers “Engaged gaze: Travel Literature in the study of European expansion along the West African coast during the 15th and 16th centuries” e “Beyond heterodoxy: profiling a population through inquisitorial processes – Brazil, 17th century“, respectively. The other participants were Pedro Monteiro, with the topic “Between fiction and history: the 16th century cavalry books from an interdisciplinary perspective“, Francisco Mangas, with “Communities “without history”? Sources for the study of Portuguese Gypsies during the Modern Period” and Luís Miguel Silva, with “
Sources for the study of missionation and colonialism in Central Mozambique (1943-1967)



New ICO 2020/2021 videos will be posted regularly.



