The videos of the 6th OIC Session 2021/22 are now available
The videos of the 6th OIC 2021/22 Session are already available on CITCEM’s YouTube channel. The theme was “Environmental History in a comparative perspective – Flying sands, climate, rivers and plants“. The session was proposed by researcher Luís Pedro Silva (Territories and Landscapes) and took place on November 19, 2021.
The participants were Ana Isabel Lopes, with “
Overnight Sands” and the Vulnerability of Northwestern Portuguese Coastal Communities in the Modern Age
Luís Pedro Silva, with
Climate and crops in Northwestern Portugal: a glimpse into the past in the light of two Benedictine diaries (1798-1830)
José Rafael Soares, with The waters of the transgressors: a study of the history of pollution in a tributary of the Ave River (1892-1974) and Manuel Miranda Fernandes, with “Acacias on a Carousel”. Around phytogeographic transfer and movement of acacias in the Mediterranean Region.
New ICO 2021/2022 videos will be posted regularly.