The Eugénio de Andrade Collection: Preserving an Integral and Multifaceted Memory & In the Mirror of the Word. Books and Manuscripts by Eugénio de Andrade | Eugénio de Andrade Centenary
The Eugénio de Andrade Collection: Preserving an Integral and Multifaceted Memory & In the Mirror of the Word. Books and Manuscripts by Eugénio de Andrade | Eugénio de Andrade Centenary
The last two lectures in the cycle celebrating the centenary of the poet Eugénio de Andrade will take place on December 14, starting at 5:30 p.m., at Casa dos Livros.
Fernanda Ribeiro will speak about “The Eugénio de Andrade Collection: Preserving an Integral and Multifaceted Memory”, followed by Federico Bertolazzi with “In the Mirror of the Word. Books and Manuscripts by Eugénio de Andrade”.
Admission is free and requires no prior registration.
The event was organized with the support of Porto City Council.