"The Cholera of 1885 in Spain" interview with Fernando Girón-Irueste
Continuing the “Pandemics and History in the Age of Covid-19“, we welcome, once again, the expert Fernando Girón-Irueste (Real Academia de Medicina y Cirugía de Andalucía Oriental and professor jubilado de historia de la ciencia), who was previously interviewed by Flávio Miranda on the topic “The Black Death in the Kingdom of Granada in the 14th Century“.
This time, Fernando Girón-Irueste will tell us about “The Cholera of 1885 in Spain” in order to better understand this disease, which continues to infect between 3 and 5 million people and to cause the death of more than one hundred thousand people every year. In this interview we intend to explore questions such as: What is the origin of cholera? What symptoms does it have and what effects does it have on the people it infects? What epidemiological outbreaks are known and what consequences did they have in Spain at the end of the 19th century?
The interview can be seen through the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Vo6UZ1lQjU
The remaining interviews of this initiative can be found on CITCEM’s Youtube channel.
We invite the entire scientific community to participate in this initiative. Those interested should contact CITCEM(citcem@letras.up.pt) or send an e-mail to fmiranda@letras.up.pt.