Resources: Genealogical Repository

The parish registers of baptisms, marriages and deaths, systematically kept from the second half of the 16th century onwards, constitute the most systematic collective memory in the Western world. Organizing this information in a central database, with a national geographic scope, is the first objective of the National Genealogical Repository, based at the University of Minho. The interest in building a Genealogical Repository is not limited to scientific research. It responds to the natural interest we all have in getting to know our roots, a natural taste that thrives in those who don’t find those roots in their places of residence.
In this portal, you can search for all the individuals already registered in the Genealogical Repository. Check their distribution on the map below.
Because the work of reading and processing parish registers is time-consuming and complex, the National Genealogical Repository is a long-term project. However, your family, your parish, municipality or region may receive priority treatment.

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