Andrea Mariani

Andrea Mariani

Researcher Group
Biographical note

Andrea Mariani holds a PhD in History from the University of Porto – Portugal (2020) and an MA in History from the Università degli Studi di Milano – Italy (2014). Since 2015 he is a researcher at the Transdisciplinary Research Center “Culture, Space and Memory” (R&D Unit based at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto), member of different European associations, including EXARC (Netherlands, auditor), Association for the Protection of Heritage, Archaeology and Museums of Vila do Conde (Portugal, board member), APS Popolo di Brig (Italy, founder and secretary) and volunteer at the Carlo Verri” Municipal Museum of Biassono, Italy.

His research activity, presented at national and international congresses, and his publications, characterized by a multidisciplinary approach, focus mainly on: medieval defensive elements (9th-13th centuries); the history of the Diocese of Porto (6th-12th centuries); the history of Vila Real and Mateus (VI-XIII and XVI-XX centuries); the Italian micro-region of Brianza (V century BC -XV century); the ancient roads network; Castreja, Celtic and Ligurian culture of the Second Iron Age; living history and experimental archaeology. Since 2000 he has been a music critic with hundreds of publications among reviews, interviews and live reports. In the last 20 years he has been engaged internationally in reenactment and experimental archaeology. Since June 2022 he works as a researcher at the Foundation Casa de Mateus (Vila Real, Portugal), and actually (June 2023) he is also its archivist ad interim.