Events: TEA(M) TIME: 5th Meeting of the Digital Culture Group


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Investigation Group

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TEA(M) TIME: 5th Meeting of the Digital Culture Group

Tea Time is a monthly meeting for sharing scientific research that is being conducted by the Digital Culture Group of the Transdisciplinary Research Center “Culture, Space and Memory” of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto (CITCEM).

It was usually held on Fridays at 5pm, at FLUP R&D, and its objectives were to traverse the whole field of the disciplinary areas of Information and Communication Sciences, problematizing different themes; to promote team building; and to facilitate the development of publications and joint research projects.

At each meeting there was a member of the Digital Culture Group introducing himself. Then tea was served and the debate opened.

This is a meeting accessible to other CITCEM Groups, researchers, students, and everyone else interested in the topics in focus.

Despite the team’s stated desire for the tea parties for socializing, sharing projects, and strengthening the team to resume before the school year in their original, face-to-face version, everything indicates that this may not happen. For this reason, they have decided to adopt a new way of holding these sessions, adding to them the intention of getting closer to colleagues who are based in other lands.

The 5th Meeting will thus take place through the Zoom Colibri Platform on April 17th at 6pm Continental Portugal, where you will have the opportunity to meet member Shirley Carvalhedo.

You can find the access link below:



