Events: TEA(M) TIME: 13th Digital Culture Group Meeting


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Investigation Group

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TEA(M) TIME: 13th Digital Culture Group Meeting

Tea(m) Time” is a monthly meeting, which always takes place on a Friday afternoon, with the specific objective of promoting the sharing of scientific research being carried out by the members of Digital Culture Group and to tread the entire terrain of the disciplinary areas of Information and Communication Sciences. Its general objective is to contribute to a better knowledge between the members and to a greater cohesion of the team in order to facilitate the development of publications and joint research projects.

At each meeting 1 or 2 members of the Digital Culture Group briefly introduce themselves (academic and professional background and hobbies) and then disclose the research they currently have in progress, e.g. applications to FCT or other types of funding, highlighting if there is any type of profile they are looking for for possible collaboration from other members. The total time allotted for each speaker’s presentation is 15 minutes.

In the face-to-face sessions we served tea at the beginning so that people could take their cup to the place where they would sit to listen to the presentations, and the group discussion was had right after all the presentations avoiding dispersion of members. We propose to keep everything the same in our online sessions, including the idea of the teacup being present on the screen for our archive photo.


Tea(m) Time Sessions Program:

  1. Meeting at 17:30 of Portugal;
  2. After the session, the PowerPoint used by the speakers in their presentation will be made available.

    Access link to the Zoom meeting:


