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Investigation Group
Event type:
Permanent Seminar "Foreign Archival Sources for the Study of Portuguese History" | Session 4
Day: June 18
Time: 2:30 pm
Venue: via Zoom and CITCEM’s YouTube channel
Eleven years after having been at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto to participate in the first edition of the Armindo de Sousa Lessons in Medieval History, Wendy R. Childs (Professor Emeritus of the University of Leeds) returns for a seminar on Foreign Archive Sources for the Study of Portuguese History. This time, over the internet and for a webinar on English sources for the study of Portuguese foreign trade in the Middle Ages.
Wendy R. Childs is professor emeritus of medieval history at the University of Leeds. He specializes in the economic history of medieval Europe and English foreign trade in the 13th and 14th centuries. Throughout his career he has published dozens of articles and several books on these topics, including Trade and Shipping in the Medieval West: Portugal, Castile and England (Brepols, 2013).
In the impossibility of holding this seminar in person, because of the Covid-19 outbreak, Wendy R. Childs will tell us about her academic background as a researcher of Anglo-Portuguese topics for the Middle Ages, and her work in British archives, via the internet. The seminar will be broadcast live on Zoom and on CITCEM’s YouTube channel.
Those interested should register, indicating whether they wish to participate in the live debate with the speaker of this seminar on Zoom. The number of places will be limited.
Register here:
You can check the news of the event on the FAEEHP seminar website: https://faeehp.wordpress.com/.
For more information: Flávio Miranda(fmiranda@letras.up.pt).