Events: Permanent Forum on Contemporary Art and Museum*.


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Investigation Group

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Permanent Forum on Contemporary Art and Museum*.

Permanent Forum on Contemporary Art and Museum*.

Artist Publications #02


The artist book as feminist archive: poetics and politics of intimacy

Conference by Márcia Oliveira (GI “Gender, Arts & Postcolonial Studies” | Center for Humanistic Studies at U.Minho).


Date: 16 December 2020

Time: 14h30 (GMT+00:00 |Lisbon)

Online Conference | via Zoom


Márcia Oliveira is a FCT post-doctoral fellow (SFRH/BPD/110741/2015) in Art Studies/Art History at CEHUM and belongs to the research group in Gender Arts and Post-Colonial Studies (GAPS). She is also CO-IP of the research project Women, arts and dicatatorship. Portugal, Brazil and Portuguese speaking African Countries (2018-2021). He was a visiting scholar at Rutgers University, USA, in the fall semester of 2016. She holds a BA in Journalism from the University of Coimbra and an MA in Aesthetics from FCSH-Universidade Nova de Lisboa and completed her PhD at the University of Minho in 2013 with a thesis on art and feminism in Portugal in the post-revolutionary context.


FPACM* is a space for discussion and exchange of experiences that aims to contribute to the construction and/or development of reflective practices and knowledge about the musealization of contemporary art.

The series of sessions dedicated to Artists’ Publications proposes to problematize the artist book and, more generally, the artist publication as a category of contemporary art, focusing on its process of musealization / institutionalization by art libraries, centers and museums. Thus, it seeks to contribute to the identification and critical approach to issues raised during this process: the very concept of artist book; the management policies of collections of this nature; the narratives and the exhibition discourses; the physical and symbolic place occupied by artists’ publications in contemporary museums


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The FPACM takes place in the scope of the research project “Artists’ Publications in the Museum”, developed by Elisa Noronha, researcher at CITCEM.


