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Investigation Group
Event type:
IX Iberian Meeting on the History of Education
IX Iberian Meeting on the History of Education: Research in the History of Education – new perspectives on sources in the digital age.
The Iberian History of Education Meetings are joint initiatives of the Portuguese History of Education Association (HISTEDUP) and the Spanish Society for the History of Education (SEDHE).
In continuity with the Iberian Meetings of previous editions, which have strengthened the intellectual exchange between the communities of historians of education in Portugal and Spain, the VIII Iberian Meeting on the History of Education, held in Lugo in 2016, inaugurated an innovative methodology and perhaps the forerunner of a new cycle of debates between historians of education on the Iberian Peninsula: It emerged as a summer school, where cooperative reflection was promoted between senior historians and junior historians (recent PhD graduates and PhD students with ongoing research projects), as well as the frank sharing of ways of doing and thinking about the History of Education.
This model is therefore born as a response to move towards a more consistent and fruitful knowledge of the heuristic and epistemological potential emerging in both communities of historians.
The IX Iberian Meeting on the History of Education, with the theme: “Research in the History of Education – new perspectives on sources in the digital age”, will take place in Braga, at the Sá de Miranda School, from September 5 to 7, 2019, with the support of CITCEM (Center for Transdisciplinary Research on Culture, Space and Memory, based at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto) and CIEd (Center for Research in Education, at the Institute of Education of the University of Minho).
Researchers and other interested parties are therefore invited to join this event by registering at https://ixencontroiberico.wixsite.com/braga.
The Scientific-Pedagogical Council for Continuing Education is waiting for the IX Iberian Meeting on the History of Education to be accredited as a continuing teacher training event.