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Investigation Group
Event type:
International Congress Memory, legacy and presence in the public and media space: historical fascism and the radical right in the 20th and 21st centuries
September 26 – Noble Amphitheater
09H00 // Opening session [Sessão de abertura]
9H15-10H15 Chair [Moderação]Vozes da resistência antifascista: o contribuição da história oral como ferramenta de exposição e mediação museológica num futuro museu da resistência e da liberdade no Porto // Luís Monteiro (CITCEM/UP) Sala Salazar da Universidade do Porto: Notes for its history // Ana Freitas (GDI-UPDigital), Carlota Tavares (GDI-UPDigital) and Marisa Monteiro (Natural History and Science Museum of the University of Porto) Counter-monuments and anti-monuments: a historical educational vision // Catarina Lages (FLUP)
10H15-10H30 // Coffee break 10H30-11H00 Chair [Moderação]: Bruno Madeira Censorship, memory and propaganda.
New readings of Estado Novo comedies // Hugo Barreira (CITCEM/UP) The convergence of heritage films, Holocaust, and irreverent representations to reflect on the relevance of the film Jojo Rabbit (Taika Waititi, 2019) // Eduardo Katz (CITCEM/UP) Antifascismo, exilio y cine em Estados Unidos y México // Alexis Barbosa (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana)
11H15-12H15 Chair [Moderação]: Félix Soares The purpose of mythos in fascism’s particular response to neoliberalism // Ana Freitas (ICS/UM) First as tragedy – authoritarian neoliberalism as the fascism of the 21st century// Sebastian Schuller (independent scholar) Neoliberalism and post-fascism: complementarities and overlaps of a socio-economic project in post-ideological and end-of-history times // Bruno Madeira (ICS-UM; CITCEM/UP; Lab2PT/In2Past)
12:30-13:30 Chair [Moderação]: Andreia Nunes The historiography of fascist ideology: towards an understanding of the academic debate on what fascism was between 1930 and 1945 // Gonçalo Guerreiro Santos (FLUL) Fascism in the political thought of António José de Brito // Jóni Coelho (CEPS/UMinho) The remembrance of a GloriousPast: Julius Evola and the ‘Race of the Spirit’ // Georgios Karakasis (Independent Scholar)
15H00-16H00 Chair [Moderação]: Sara Trindade Historical memory and youth militancy of the new radical right: the case of the Chega youth in a comparative perspective // Riccardo Marchi (CEI/ISCTE-IUL|Lusoglobe/Lusófona) ‘Deus, Pátria, Família e Trabalho’: the sociogenesis of the Portuguese extreme right // Jaime Roque (CES-UC/FEUC) Guerra Cultural e recuperación del relato histórico decimonónico franquista por parte de Vox: reconquista e imperio // Mateo Ballester (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) 16H15-17H15 Chair [Moderação]: Ana Catarina Caldeira Impressions of resistance: the Format Photographers Agency and the documented memory of Women’s Solidarity in Anti-Fascist Resistance, c.
1983-2003 // Candace Singh (University of St. Andrews) France’s Abaya Ban: visual forms of women’s resistance in the Media Age // Güvenç Arman Arı (TED University in Ankara) ‘El verbo militante’.
Apuntes para una historia intelectual del antifascismo mexicano (1930-1940) // Hugo Armando Nateras Jiménez (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana)
17H30-18H30 Chair [Moderação]: Bruno Madeira Os Dias Levantados: tomar a memória de assalto // Mariana Nascimento (IELT/UNL) The Jazz Subversive: in memory of Manuel Jorge Veloso and the TV Jazz Series (1963-1971) // Pedro Cravinho (Birmingham City University|CITCEM/UP) “Everything to Loos: Fascist Minimalism, Racial Profiling, and Gentrified Legacy in an Early Modernist Manifesto” // Tyler Their (Hofstra University
September 27 – Amphitheater 2
9:00-10:00 Chair [Moderação]: Bruno Madeira The control of culture and customs under the dictatorship: the apology for censorship and surveillance in Ocidente magazine (1938-1947) // Conceição Meireles Pereira (CITCEM/UP) Lusotropicalism: the defense of a fraternal colonialism // Gabriel Soares Predebon (Federal University of Juiz de Fora) Fascists and monarchists in Brazil: corporatist projects amidst Lusitanian influence // Gabriela Santi Pacheco (University of Coimbra) 10H15-11H30 Chair [Moderação]: Andreia Nunes The establishment of the Military Dictatorship through the editorials of Diário do Porto and O Comércio do Porto (1926-1927) // Daniel Silva (FLUP) The corporative solution advocated by the 28 de Maio League and national-syndicalism in the face of the world of work in the 1930s // Nuno Ferreira (University of Lisbon History Centre) Nationalism and nationalist mythology at Feira da Ladra.
An analysis of the discursive strategy of an inter-war magazine // Sérgio Neto (CITCEM/UP), Susana Borges (IPC/CEIS20) and Clara Isabel Serrano (CEIS20/FLUC)
11H45-13H00 Chair [Moderação]: Conceição Meireles Pereira Memories from the Land of Amnesty: the Historical Museum of the Army and the military dictatorship in Brazil // Ana Paula Bertho (University of Victoria) The republican devotion to monarchical symbols: the case of Kossuth Square in Budapest, Hungary // Graziela Ares (CES-UC) ‘Human rights is a thug’s right’: the rise of the extreme right and human rights in Brazil // Núbia Ramos (State University of Bahia) and Ricardo Moreno (State University of Bahia)
Organizing Committee / [Comissão Organizadora] Ana Catarina Caldeira (ICNova) Andreia Nunes (ICS-UM) Bruno Madeira (CITCEM; ICS-UM; Lab2PT/In2Past) Conceição Meireles Pereira (CITCEM/UP) Hugo Barreira (CITCEM/UP) Sara Trindade (CITCEM/UP) Scientific Committee / [Comissão Científica] António Costa Pinto (ICS/ISCTE) Fátima Moura Ferreira (Lab2PT/In2Past; ICS-UM) Gaspar Martins Pereira José Neves (IHC/In2Past; Nova) Manuel Loff (IHC/In2Past; FLUP) Steven Forti (CEDID/UAB) Virgílio Borges Pereira (IS-UP; FLUP) Contacts: Tel: 226077177 | e-mail: