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Investigation Group
Event type:
International Conference "Santas & Heretics: Gender, Religion and Power
In the bimillenary history of the Christian universe we witness attempts to modulate the roles of women from dichotomous, universalistic, and naturalized visions. It can be seen that Christianity created ideas of holiness for women, the feminine, and femininities that opposed the stereotypes of women considered sinful and heretical.
It is on this dichotomy, as well as its respective unfoldings on the conditions of women in different societies, that the conference “Santas & Heretics: gender, religion, and power” intends to focus its reflective efforts. We will also try to reflect on how, and for what reasons, the institutions themselves frame women or not in the two categories, while emphasizing other discourses and experiences of holiness and heresy. At the center of this meeting will be women’s roles, conditions, discourses, and experiences, as well as the modalities of female resistance in religious matrices of ancient, medieval, modern, and contemporary societies.
The meeting will take place in Salvador, Brazil, February 8-10, 2023, and you can submit your abstract until October 15, 2022.
+Info: http://www.santashereticas.ufba.br/
Organizing Committee
Edilece Souza Couto (UFBA; CITCEM-University of Porto)
Marcelo Pereira Lima (UFBA; RIMEG – Brazil, Argentina and Spain)
Marco Antônio Nunes da Silva (UFRB; CITCEM-University of Porto)
Natalia Urra Jaque (Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile)
Nuno de Pinho Falcão (UNILAB; CITCEM-University of Porto)