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Investigation Group
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Conference "La prensa católica de mitad del siglo XX en Colombia: La campaña anticomunista del semanario El Campesino (1958-1970)"
El weekly El Campesino (1958-1990) was an outstanding communication organ of the Catholic-marginalized institution Acción Cultural Popular (ACPO) 1947-1994 to teach, entertain and inform illiterate Colombian peasants. The objective of this presentation is to provide the community with a series of methodological approaches, from the implementation of informational and computational tools of the Digital Humanities directed to the study of the anti-communist campaign of this communication media, to understand the types of discourses, pedagogy, didactics, imaginaries, among other elements.
André Pina, ISUP.
CODA and ISUP, with the collaboration of CITCEM and Universidad de Sevilla.
This conference is part of the#CODA – Hacktivate the Humanities sessions:
The idea of hacking, which popular culture has associated with breaking into or destroying systems, has emerged as a non-standard way to overcome obstacles and limitations of computer systems. With reference to its original character, this concept can be a powerful tool to activate and revitalize the humanities. Based on this premise, the cycle “Hacktivate the Humanities”, a CODA – Centre for Digital Culture and Innovation initiative, aims to bring together national and international researchers whose research can demonstrate how creative, and sometimes disruptive, approaches are used to transform the way we think and interact with culture, the arts, and the humanities. In this questioning, participants will also be challenged to rethink their own practices and, therefore, to seek new ways of (re)hacktivating their own journeys.