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Investigation Group
Event type:
MAY 17, 2021
14H30 (GMT +00:00 | LISBON)
Link: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/85446896031
Marcelo Campos
He was born, lives and works in Rio de Janeiro. He is an associate professor in the Art Theory and Art History Department at the UERJ Art Institute. He is a curator at the Rio Museum of Art. He was director of Casa França-Brasil between 2016 and 2017. He is a professor at the School of Visual Arts at Parque Lage and a member of the boards of the Paço Imperial Museum (RJ) and the Bispo do Rosário Museum of Contemporary Art (RJ). He holds a PhD in Visual Arts from the PPGAV of the School of Fine Arts at UFRJ (2005). He developed a doctoral thesis on the concept of Brazilianness in contemporary art. He has published texts on Brazilian art in national and international journals, books, and catalogs. In the book “Contemporary Sculpture in Brazil: reflections in ten paths” (Salvador: Editora Caramurê, 2016), Campos reviews his analyses and includes a significant part of the Brazilian modern and contemporary production in a survey of more than 90 artists. Since 2004, he has curated exhibitions in several institutions in Brazil, among which some are highlighted below.
African and Afro-Brazilian matrices are researched in exhibitions such as “Bispo do Rosário, a corner, two backlands”, at the Bispo do Rosário Museum of Contemporary Art, in 2015; “Orixás”, Casa França Brasil, 2016; “O Rio do Samba: resistance and reinvention”, Museu de Arte do Rio (MAR), 2018, together with Evandro Salles, Nei Lopes and Clarissa Diniz; “Casa Carioca”, together with Joice Berth, in 2021, at the Museu de Arte do Rio (MAR). In 2018, a major exhibition updated the mapping of the Northeast region of Brazil, including research and fieldwork in all the states of the region, together with curators Clarissa Diniz and Bitú Cassundé, resulting in the exhibition À Nordeste, a major show at Sesc 24 de May, in São Paulo. Currently, she coordinates research on artists of African descent in the extension project “Art and Afrobrasility”.
18 MAY 2021
10 AM (GMT +00:00 | LISBON)
Link: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/86048435062
Hernán Crespo Bermejo
Architect by the Universidad Central del Ecuador. Post-graduate studies in Architecture and Energy at ETSAB of the Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya, Spain.
Since 1994 she works at the “la Caixa” Foundation where she specializes professionally in architectural programming and museography. Ha elaborado los programas para los museos de ciencia (CosmoCaixa, Barcelona y Madrid) y los centros culturales (CaixaForum, Barcelona, Madrid, Zaragoza y Sevilla), realizando, además, el seguimiento del proyecto arquitectónico y su implementación y supervisado las obras para la adecuación de los edificios del Palau Macaya y la Fundación de la Esperanza. Ha dirigido el Departamento de Exposiciones de Ciencia y, desde la Unidad de Consultoría para Proyectos Externos de la FLC, ha elaborado los programas de arquitectura y museografía para el Teatro Museo de la Antártica del Instituto Antártico Chileno (Chile), del Museo del Medio Ambiente del Ayuntamiento de Lleida (España), del Museo del Bosque del Ayuntamiento de Sant Celoni (Spain), de Arkimedeion (Museo de Arquímedes) for Agorasophia (Italia), el Jardín Botánico y Zoo de Bamako del AKTC (Mali), el Museo del Tiempo for el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Uruguay) y la Galeria da Biodversidade for la Universidad de Porto, among others.
He is currently Head of the Exhibition Production Department of the Directorate of Culture and Science of the FLC.
As an expert in museography and architectural programming he has intervened in projects for the Aga Khan Trust for Culture (Switzerland), the Qatar Museums Authority (Qatar), the New Alejandrine Library (Egypt), the Spanish Olympic Committee (Spain), the Leon Jimenez Center (Dominican Republic), the Ethnological Museum (Barcelona, Spain) and the Royal Master of Horsemanship (Seville, Spain).
24 MAY 2021
10 AM (GMT +00:00 | LISBON)
Link: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/84723723010
Alcina Cortez
Curator and producer of exhibitions since 1996, she has held positions at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and Expo’98. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Musicology (1992), postgraduate degrees in Popular Music Studies (2011), Acoustic and Sound Studies (2019), and a Master’s degree in Ethnomusicology/Museology (2014). She is currently completing her PhD Communicating Through Sound in Museums Exhibitions: Unravelling a Field of Practice under the supervision of Prof. Salwa Castelo-Branco.
Adopting an interdisciplinary perspective (Museology, Sound Studies, Ethnomusicology, Sensory Studies and Social Semiotics), it is dedicated to the study of the expressive potentialities of sound as a narrative element for the construction of museum exhibits. With his work, he intends to contribute to a more effective museum practice centered on a multisensory communicative strategy.
His research has resulted in the publication of several articles for journals such as Curator, Popular Music, and Sound Studies. She is the author of the blog objectsofsound.com
Uc Design, Space and Communication in Museums
Master’s Degree in Museology
Citcem – Center for Transdisciplinary Research “Culture, Space and Memory
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade Do Porto