Start Date:
End Date:
Investigation Group
Event type:
"Challenges of the Portuguese Sea - Climate Change and the Future of the Oceans
Considering the high demand for registrations in the event, with sessions I and II already having their vacancies filled, and given the limitation of 60 participants per session, the Ílhavo Maritime Museum decided to opt, in conjunction with the face-to-face format, by digital, through the availability of the streaming of the event, upon registration.
More information at: https://museumaritimo.cm-ilhavo.pt/frontoffice/pages/41?event_id=766
FREE REGISTRATION | ciemar.mmi@cm-ilhavo.pt with the following data: Name, profession, institution, contact and sessions you want to attend.
Registration until October 22, 2020
The concept of the Seminar “Challenges of the Portuguese Sea”, created in 2012, has, year after year, been strengthening its position as a driver of debate on issues surrounding Portugal’s relationship with the Sea. This is an event that seeks to spread the word about
cultural manifestations of maritime nature and promote debate on the multiple perspectives of the sea.
The 9th edition will have the theme “Climate Change and the Future of the Oceans” and is scheduled for October 24th, on the occasion of the 19th Anniversary of the Expansion and Remodeling of the Ílhavo Maritime Museum. By addressing issues that are so relevant today, we aim to achieve a deep and sustained analysis in order to raise awareness among the maritime communities and the general public, involving civil society in solving the challenges facing the Ocean.
The partners of this event will be, besides CITCEM – Center for Transdisciplinary Research “Culture, Space and Memory”, the Center for Environment and Sea Studies (CESAM), from the University of Aveiro, the Center for Sea and Environmental Sciences (MARE), the Interdisciplinary Center for Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR) and the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the 20th Century (CEIS20).
You can find the poster and the program attached.