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Investigation Group
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Armando de Lacerda and Experimental Phonetics in Portugal: scientific centrality in the "periphery".
Armando Soeiro Moreira de Lacerda graduated in Germanic Philology in 1930, at the 1st Faculty of Letters of Porto. He was acclaimed as a scientist of exceptional value in the field of phonetics, having introduced Experimental Phonetics in Portugal, and having installed and directed the first laboratory in the country: the Laboratory of Experimental Phonetics of the Faculty of Letters of Coimbra. He distinguished himself by his innovation and pioneering in the development of studies, research methods, and scientific equipment in the field of phonetics.
More information at:
– UD/GI. 2008. Armando Soeiro Moreira de Lacerda. 1902-1984 Phonetist and University Professor [Online]. Porto: U.PORTO. Digital University/Information Management. Available:
%20armando% [ Accessed 14.02.2020].
– MARTINS, C. 2019. The Scientist that Portugal Forgot [Online]. Expresso – Impresa Publishing S.A. Available: https://multimedia.expresso.pt/o-cientista-que-portugal-esqueceu [Accessed 14.02.2020].
– SOLDIER, C. 2019. Rise and fall of a phonetics laboratory in Coimbra that was a world reference. The Laboratory of Experimental Phonetics of the University of Coimbra disappeared in the 1970s and fell into oblivion, from where researcher Quintino Lopes wants to take it back [Online]. Público – Comunicação Social S.A. Available: https://www.publico.pt/2019/05/31/ciencia/noticia/ascensao-queda-laboratorio-fonetica-coimbra-referencia-mundial-1874660 [Accessed 14.02.2020].
The conferences are free and open access.
Program in attached file.