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Castreja Ceramics in the Porto Region
Castreja Ceramics in the Porto Region, Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto and Reservatório/Museu do Porto, November 22-23 Marking the 50th anniversary of the publication of “Cerâmica Castreja” by C. A. Ferreira de Almeida in the Revista de Guimarães, the colloquium aims to take stock of recent studies of Castreja ceramics in the Porto region, launching new avenues of research among scholars dedicated to this field. The event is an initiative of CERPOR – A Thousand Years of Ceramics in the City of Porto, a collaborative research project between the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto and the Porto City Council, developed within the framework of CITCEM – Center for Transdisciplinary Research on Culture, Space, Memory (FCT R&D unit 4059; https://doi.org/10.54499/UIDB/04059/2020) and financed by National Funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology, under the project UIDB/04059/2020.
Friday, Nov. 22 (Faculty of Letters, University of Porto, Noble Amphitheater)
09:30 – Welcome to participants and official opening
10:00 – Inaugural conference
Francisco Calo Lourido (Museo do Pobo Galego)
Historiographical, methodical and terminological reflections on Castro culture
11:00 – Iron Age ceramics from Castro da Penaventosa (Porto): a preliminary approach based on materials from Aljube
António Manuel S. P. Silva (CITCEM; C.M.Porto) and Manuela C. S. Ribeiro (C.M.Porto)
11:30 – Castro de Monte Mozinho: pottery from the Castro tradition
Teresa Soeiro (CITCEM-FLUP)
12:00 – Perspectives on the ceramics of indigenous tradition from Castro de Guifões (Matosinhos)
Andreia Arezes (CITCEM-FLUP) and José Manuel Varela (C.M.Matosinhos)
12:30 – Castro ceramics in Vila Nova de Famalicão: forms, functions and manufacturing techniques
Francisco Reimão Queiroga (CITCEM-FLUP)
1pm – Debate
15:00 – Iron Age pottery from Castro da Madalena (V. N. Gaia): first notes
António Manuel S. P. Silva (CITCEM; Arouca Archaeology Center); Edite Martins de Sá (Empatia, Archaeology; Arouca Archaeology Center); Sara Almeida e Silva (Arouca Archaeology Center)
15:30 – Castro pottery from Cividade de Terroso (Póvoa do Varzim)
José Flores (C. M. Póvoa de Varzim) and Deolinda Carneiro (C. M. Póvoa de Varzim)
16:00 – Protohistoric ceramics from Castro de Alvarelhos (Trofa): preliminary study Daniela Filipa de Freitas Ferreira (CITCEM-FLUP)
16:30 – Debate
16:45 – Poster presentation
17:45 – Debate
Saturday, Nov. 23 (Reservoir | Porto Museum)
10:00 – Castro ceramics from Castelo de Gaia: interventions at Taylors Fonseca and Quinta de São Marcos
Laura Sousa (CITCEM; C. M. Porto), Teresa Pires de Carvalho and André Nascimento (Empatia Arqueologia)
10:30 – In search of identity traits in Iron Age pottery on the Atlantic coast of northern Portugal: a synthesis
Nuno Oliveira (Lab2PT, University of Minho)
11:00 – Debate
11:30 – Conference
Josefa Rey Castiñeira (University of Santiago de Compostela)
Methodology for studying Castro ceramics: a look from Galicia
14:30 – Workshop (with ceramic materials brought by the participants)
16:30 – Closing
– Castro ceramics in the Porto region, 50 years after Carlos Alberto Ferreira de Almeida’s publication
Teresa Soeiro (CITCEM-FLUP)
– The CERPOR project – A Thousand Years of Ceramics in the City of Porto: a prospective assessment.
António Manuel S. P. Silva (CITCEM; C. M. Porto)
INFORMATION: cerpor22.23@gmail.com