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Investigation Group
Event type:
5th SESSION ICO 2022/23 "Knights", "Scholars", "Shepherds", "Married" and "Saints": representations of masculinity in the 16th-17th centuries"
Session proponents: Zulmira Santos (Sociabilities and Religious Practices) and Paula Almeida Mendes (Sociabilities and Religious Practices)
Title/General Session Topic: “Knights”, “Scholars”, “Shepherds”, “Married” and “Saints”: Representations of masculinity in the 16th-17th centuries”
Name of speakers and their paper titles:
Paula Almeida Mendes – “Notando o seu modo de viver mais angelico, que humano”: representations of masculinity in “Vidas” of religious men and clerics (16th-17th centuries)
Carlos Silva – “The Ideal Husband in the Tales and Stories of Benefit and Example”
Gil Clemente Teixeira – “Don’t get tired, because Camões will not be taken away from the esteem he deserves”: on the reception of “Os Lusíadas” in 17th and 18th century Portuguese literature”.
Lucília Didier – “Shepherds’ books: consonances and dissonances between modes and genres”
Rui Pedro Monteiro – “Entre o Amor e a Espada: representações masculinas na ficção cavaleiresca quinhentista” (Between Love and the Sword: masculine representations in chivalric fiction)
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OIC Webpage: https://oiccitcem.wixsite.com/oficinascitcem
Scientific Committee
CITCEM Executive Committee
Organizing Committee
Carla Sequeira
Joana Lencart