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Investigation Group
Event type:
4th ICO SESSION 2022/23 "Communities in Motion in the long term: sociability and cross-border mobility"
Session proponents: Stéfani Hollmann (Transaction Values/Transition Values) and Milene dos Anjos (Populations and Health)
Session Title/General Theme: “Communities in Motion in the long run: sociability and cross-border mobility”
Name of speakers and their paper titles:
Stéfani Hollmann (CITCEM/FLUP) – Kinship network in the Extreme South of Brazil: mobility and socioeconomic rise of the first charqueadores of Pelotas – RS (1780 – 1830. c)
Eliza Brito Santos (FLUP) – 19th century Recife through the eyes of travelers
Milene dos Anjos (CITCEM/FLUP) – International migration from Fafe and Brazil: cross-border sociabilities during the first globalization
Francisco Mangas (FLUP/CITCEM) – Different ways of being a Gypsy in Modern Portugal: the case of José Correia at the Inquisition of Coimbra (1761-1763)
Free Entry!
OIC Webpage: https://oiccitcem.wixsite.com/oficinascitcem
Scientific Committee
CITCEM Executive Committee
Organizing Committee
Carla Sequeira
Joana Lencart
FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology
University of Porto – Faculty of Letters