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Investigation Group
Event type:
2nd SESSION OIC 2023/24 "Life trajectories - genealogical databases and nominative cross-referencing"
Proponent of the session
: Antero Ferreira, Director of House of Sarmento – Heritage Studies Center (UMinho) and CITCEM / Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto (Research Group Research Group: Population and Health)
Session Summary: The National Genealogical Repository (RGN) is a project based at Casa de Sarmento. de Sarmento, which, based on the transcription and cross-referencing of parish baptismal records,
wedding e death, has the purpose ultimateultimate reconstruct individual trajectories, in genealogical chain.
This project is based on Maria Norberta Amorim’s methodology for reconstituting parishes. Amorim, which was initially carried out manually, on paper forms, by crossing out–cross-referencing all the informationformation of a community’s parish registers. The introduction of information technology opened up new perspectives for this methodology, allowing for greater productivity and in-depth analysis.
The great virtue of this approach is the possibility of cross-referencing with other sources, broadening a information that already already already about the individuals e their social and professional relationships. At the moment, around one million people are registered with the RGN. million and three hundred thousand individuals and 350 thousand families.s, concentrating–mainly in the North of Portugal and in the Autonomous Region of the Azores. The contribution of numerous volunteers who, in various regions, collaborate with the project, inserting information from the parish registers from a citizen science perspective.ciencia cidadã.
Names of speakers and titles of papers:
Maria Norberta Amorim (Retired Full Professor. CITCEM/ FLUP. Orcid:0000–0001–7523–1805; Science ID: B919–9755–456D) e Filipe Salgado (House of Sarmento – Center for Heritage Studies UMinho and CITCEM/ FLUP. Orcid: 0000–0003–3713–0987; Science ID: 7514–090B–DB44) – Reconstitution of Communities
Aurora Rego (Caminha Municipal Center. CITCEM/ FLUP. Orcid: 0000–0001–7759–9363) – Migrants in the municipality of Caminha: spaces, routes, workers (17th century–XIX)
Antero Ferreira (Casa de Sarmento – Center for Heritage Studies UMinho and CITCEM/ FLUP. Science ID: FD1A–783B–EEC2; Orcid: 0000–0001–7931–9265) e Fátima Silva (Home de Sarmento – Center for Heritage Studies UMinho and LAB2PT. Orcid: 0000–0002–9824–5959; Science ID: 791C–22E0–5174) – Strategies for survival in the urban space: Guimarães and Horta at the beginning of the 19th century
Theodoro of Source (PhD in History from the University of Minho. Researcher CITCEM/ FLUP. Orcid: 0000–0002–4483–6817) – Child abandonment in Alto Minho
Moderatores–commentatores of the session:
Diogo Andrade Cardoso (PhD in History from the Faculty of Letters of the University University. Ciência ID: 511F–7F70–7B0D. Orcid: 0000–0002–4717–517X).
Helena Osswald (Associate Professor of Faculty of Letters, University of Porto/ CITCEM. Orcid: 0000–0002–9647–4029. Ciência ID: 7817–8DB0–ED50)
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