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Investigation Group
Event type:
20th SESSION ICO 2021/22 : "Observatories and indicators in creative industry: subsidies for transdisciplinary analysis"
Session proponent: Maria Manuela Pinto (Information, Communication and Digital Culture) and Tiago Costa Martins (Information, Communication and Digital Culture)
Title/General Theme of Session: “Observatories and Indicators in Creative Industries: subsidies for transdisciplinary analysis
Name of the speakers and their paper titles:
Tiago Costa Martins – Cultural indicators, public communication and social control in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Marta Castro Antunes – Observing reality through information
Carlos Rebelo and Pedro Gonçalves – Tools for the analysis and interactive visualization of information
Maria Manuela Pinto and Armando Malheiro da Silva – Obcrei.pt – An observatory for Creative Industries in Portugal
This session will be held in a mixed format, in Meeting Room 1, with free admission, and broadcast via CITCEM’s YouTube channel.
OIC Webpage: https://oiccitcem.wixsite.com/oficinascitcem
Scientific Committee
CITCEM Executive Committee
Organizing Committee
Carla Sequeira
Joana Lencart