Start Date:
End Date:
Investigation Group
Event type:
12th SESSION OIC 2021/22 "African Cultures in Motion: overseas connections and circulation of knowledge between the 15th and 19th centuries"
Names of the speakers and titles of their papers
Iris Kantor – Nautical routes, geographic charts and slave ports, XVIIIth and XIXth centuries
Ana Cristina Roque – Health Services in Mozambique in the late 19th century: tradition and modernity
Gisele C. Conceição – African medical cultures. Angolan healing arts in European texts throughout the 18th century
Wellington Bernardelli Silva Filho – African medicine, European books: plants and medicinal practices portrayed in eighteenth-century Portuguese pharmacopoeias
Catarina Garcia – From Alcatrazes to Ribeira Grande: the viability of Cape Verde’s natural ports in the 15th century
Session proposer
Gisele C. Conceição (Populations and Health)
* In the impossibility of holding the session in person, it will be timely organized and announced through the Zoom platform, with live broadcast on CITCEM’s YouTube channel.
OIC Webpage: https://oiccitcem.wixsite.com/oficinascitcem
Scientific Committee
CITCEM Executive Committee
Organizing Committee
Carla Sequeira
Joana Lencart