Start Date:
End Date:
Investigation Group
Event type:
10th SESSION OIC 2021/22 "The organization of written heritage in religious institutions from medieval to contemporary times"
Name of speakers and titles of papers
Maria Cristina Cunha – Documentary conservation practices at Braga Cathedral in the Middle Ages
Maria João Oliveira e Silva – The reconstruction of the medieval notary of the cathedral of Oporto: problems and challenges
Paula Pinto Costa – The medieval notaries of the Religious-Military Orders through the documentary inventories drawn up during the disentailment process around 1834
Joana Lencart – Military Orders in the collection Gavetas da Torre do Tombo: the royal vision in the organization of documentation
Session Proponents
Joana Lencart (Sociabilities and Religious Practices) and Maria João Oliveira e Silva (Sociabilities and Religious Practices)
* In the impossibility of holding the session in person, it will be timely organized and announced through the Zoom platform, with live broadcast on CITCEM’s YouTube channel.
OIC Webpage: https://oiccitcem.wixsite.com/oficinascitcem
Scientific Committee
CITCEM Executive Committee
Organizing Committee
Carla Sequeira
Joana Lencart