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Investigation Group
Event type:
10th Luso-German Dialogue | 10. Deutsch-Portugiesisches Arbeitsgespräch
The forum X Portuguese-German Dialogue will take place on September 28 and 29 at the Faculty of Arts, University of Coimbra and on September 30 at the Faculty of Arts, University of Porto.
The X Portuguese-German Dialogue, under the general theme of “Portugal – Germany: Crossed Perspectives”, intends to keep alive the academic and scientific dialogue between Portuguese and German researchers in the field of Humanities and Culture, centered on the debate of ideas and critical analysis, and to preserve the interdisciplinary dimension of a growing variety of knowledge domains. It is also intended to give continuity and, at the same time, a new impulse to the dialogue and reflection about the permanences and changes in the context of the relations between the Portuguese-speaking and German-speaking countries, through the crossing of diversified perspectives and incidents both in the past and in the present.
The German-Portuguese Dialogues began in 1989 in Wolfenbüttel, and since then have taken place with some regularity in Germany and Portugal.
Free entry, no registration required.
Organizing Committee: Maria de Fátima Gil (CITCEM/FLUC), Rogério Madeira (CITCEM/FLUC), Rute Soares (FLUC) and John Greenfield (CITCEM/FLUP).