Events: Electronic Government: a reflection on the Brazilian model and comparative elements with the Portuguese one


FLUP | Sala de Reuniões 1 & Online (

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Investigation Group

Information, Communication and Digital Cultures

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Electronic Government: a reflection on the Brazilian model and comparative elements with the Portuguese one

On March 15, starting at 6pm, Dario de Azevedo Nogueira Júnior will be with us to reflect on the Brazilian model and comparative elements with the Portuguese model in terms of Information Management and e-government. This meeting is the result of a visit by a member of UFES to work with the Information, Communication and Digital Culture research group, and the presentation proposes to share preliminary data resulting from the study of the offer associated with e-government services in Brazil and Portugal. Questions associated with interaction and the involvement of the citizen user are raised, namely the issue of interactive services or the realization that we are still far from being able to truly affirm that the existing offer ensures effective interaction and responds to the promises of interactivity of e-government services. Dario de Azevedo Nogueira Júnior holds a PhD in Information and Communication Sciences – Université Paris Sorbonne from the INSTITUIT FRANCAIS DE PRESSE, LI.F.P. (2003), a Master’s Degree in Media and Multimedia – Université Paris Sorbonne from the INSTITUIT FRANCAIS DE PRESSE – LI.F.P. (1999). Full Professor at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES) in the Postgraduate Program in Public Management. He worked in Public Communication at the Presidency of the Republic of Brazil from 2008 to 2014 – 2008/11 at the Secretariat for Communication – SECOM/PR and 2011/12 at the Secretariat for Strategic Affairs – SAE/PR and 2013/14 at the National Press.
