CEPIHS Magazine 10

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CEPIHS Magazine 10

CEPIHS Magazine 10

We have published the 10th issue of the CEPIHS Magazine, a fact we are pleased to report. The journey thus far has been guided by rigor in the construction and fixation of knowledge. This fact, which is due to the authors’ wise and generous collaboration, is in line with the objective of quality that presided over the creation of the Journal as the organ of the Center for Studies and Promotion of Historical and Social Research | Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro.

In addition to the thematic dossier, most issues integrate other analyses. Migratory Movements is the central theme of CEPIHS 10. It refers to a comprehensive reflection, in a time arc that goes from the 18th century to the 21st century. It is further enriched by a wide range of diverse studies.

Adília Fernandes



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