Start Date:
End Date:
Investigation Group
Event type:
Populations and Health Research Group Meeting
09h30 Opening Session
Conference: Covid-19 and 1918 Spanish flu in Madrid, Spain: similarities and differences (Diego Ramiro Fariñas – CSIC)
10H15 Coffee Break
10:30 am 1st Session
Social Mobility in 19th century rural Portugal: Socioeconomics profile of migrants from Fafe, 1868-1920 – Milene dos Anjos Fernandes (CITCEM)
Temporary migrations: a study of the internal passports of the Comarca of Barcelos (1827-1854) – Fátima Silva (Casa de Sarmento)
The mobility in the municipality of Caminha (Northwest Portugal). (XVII-XIX Centuries) – Aurora Rego and Manuela Silva (CITCEM)
11H30 2nd Session
The implementation of digital health in Portugal – José Carlos Pinto da Costa (CRIA/FCSH-NOVA)
Weight of individuals born in the second half of the 18th century who were viable in the middle. Observation in four communities from different parts of the country – Maria Norberta Amorim and Filipe Salgado
Medieval and fifteenth century epizootics in Portugal: what do we know and what can we know? – André Silva (CITCEM)
The surgical ward of the Guimarães Hospital (1879-1893) – Antero Ferreira, Célia Oliveira and Fátima Silva (CITCEM / Casa de Sarmento)
Lunch- 12:50pm
2:30pm 3rd Session
Echoes from Patuleia in Caminha – Lurdes Carreira (CITCEM)
La sociedad malagueña decimonónica a través de los escritos personales del Dr. Vicente Martínez y Montes: La Topografía Médica de Málaga- Ana Barrena Gómez and Isabel María Sánchez Andújar (Universidad de Málaga and Universidad de Granada).
La vida cotidiana en Tenerife a finales del Antiguo Régimen – Paula Barbero (Universidad de Santiago)
Study of historical communities. The potentialities of the National Genealogical Repository – M. Norberta Amorim, Antero Ferreira, Filipe Salgado (CITCEM / Casa de Sarmento)
3:50pm Coffee Break
16h10 4th Session
Migratory route and relationship networks of Azorean families in the origins of Espírito Santo do Serrito do Jaguarão – Letícia da Rosa (Feevale University)
Guilherme Amazonas de Sá: “on behalf of my brothers against unfair accusations” – Wilza Betania dos Santos (CITCEM)
Emigration, family reunification and call letters. Study on the Oporto – Brazil commuting – Jorge Fernandes Alves and Maria José Moutinho Santos (CITCEM)
17H10 Closing