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XX International Congress of the Journeys of History Education | V Iberoamerican Congress
The 20th International Congress of the Journeys of History Education will take place in 2020, at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto. The 1st International Conference on History Education took place in 2000, at the University of Minho, as part of the work of the first Master’s Degree in Pedagogical Supervision in the Teaching of History and Social Sciences, in Portugal. Since its inception, the conferences have been inspired by the perspective of research in history education and, due to the relevance they have assumed, since 2012 they have been called the International Congress of the International Conferences on History Education.
The Jornadas have contributed, in various ways, to the strengthening of the principles of research in History Education. At the epistemological level, some seminal works evoke the need to anchor research on the process of teaching and learning history in the nature of history; at the educational level, they focus on understanding the construction of historical learning, especially in formal and non-formal education settings; and, in the interaction of these aspects of historical education, they draw attention to the imperative of seeking a coherent relationship between epistemology, research, and practices in the field, seeking to avoid sterile theorizing or inconsequential practices. These principles, which shape most of the papers presented in the various editions of the Jornadas, have aroused the interest of history teaching researchers, philosophers, historians, teachers of various levels of education, and even students, when they feel challenged to think historically. This has happened in several countries, including spaces in the Ibero-American world – Brazil, Colombia, Spain – where the Jornadas have directly provided the dissemination of such perspectives.
In the symbolic milestone of its 20th edition, the Journeys propose for the work of its academic and professional community a broad conceptual motto, which is part of the “DNA” of history education: Historical Thought and Humanism. The relevance of building historically informed thinking takes on even more pertinence in today’s froth. Faced with the multiplicity of perspectives, one must learn to discern between what is more and what is less consistent with the evidence. And, above all, to learn to develop a critical and desirably proactive rationality, focusing on the role of historical agents that we all are, including children and young people, within the larger framework of humanity, over time and in diverse spaces.
This is the horizon of the works in History Education that the XX Congress intends to give visibility to.
+ INFO: http://xxcongresso.mozello.com/