Start Date:
End Date:
Investigation Group
Event type:
7th SESSION OIC 2021/22 "Research routes on the History of Portugal 4 (13th to 16th centuries): methods and challenges
Names of the speakers and titles of their papers
Rúben Conceição – Vias de comunicação entre o Norte de Portugal e o Sul da Galiza no dealbar da Baixa Média: questões metodológicas e linhas de ação
André Moutinho Rodrigues – Researching the Portuguese Renaissance cardinalate: questionnaire and methodology
Marco Ribeiro – Medieval Mesteres with a political conscience? Potentials and limitations of a research path
Paulo Morgado e Cunha – Studying a medieval productive sector: the case of metals in Portugal (13th-16th centuries)
Session Proponents
André Moutinho Rodrigues (Sociabilities and Religious Practices) and Paulo Morgado e Cunha (Transaction Values/Values in Transition)
* In the impossibility of holding the session in person, it will be timely organized and announced through the Zoom platform, with live broadcast on CITCEM’s YouTube channel.
OIC Webpage: https://oiccitcem.wixsite.com/oficinascitcem
Scientific Committee
CITCEM Executive Committee
Organizing Committee
Carla Sequeira
Joana Lencart