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Zoom Link: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/84988451457
VII Conference on the History of Historiography
“Challenges of Citizenship: History and Historiography in the Social Sciences and Humanities”.
Meeting Room 1
Porto, November 25, 2021
09H00 – Opening.
1st Conference
09H30 – “After the nation, the individual and the subject: political history and the politics of history“, by José Neves (FCSH-UNL, IHC, IN2PAST). Presentation by Nuno Bessa Moreira (CITCEM).
10H30 – Session 1.
Moderator: Lurdes Macedo (ULP; CECS-UM).
“José Manuel Tengarrinha and Citizenship: A Brief Biobibliographical Resume“, by Duarte de Babo Marinho (CITCEM; FLUP).
“Historiography and Citizenship in Manifesto Theses on Theory and History (2018),” by Nuno Bessa Moreira (ULP; CITCEM) and Francisco Azevedo Mendes(ICS-UM, Lab2PT).
“Contributions of Police History to the formation of national citizenship”, by Eurico Gomes Dias (ISCSPI-ICPOL; CEPESE; CHSC; CITCEM).
“Knowledge organization systems and historiographical research: (not only) methodological challenges”,by Olívia Pestana (FLUP, CITCEM).
13H00 – Lunch.
15H30 – Session 2.
Moderator: Eurico Gomes Dias (ISCSPI-ICPOL; CEPESE; CHSC; CITCEM).
“From Bolandists to the cultivators of a scientific historiography: the necessity of the process of source criticism and engagement with the world around them”, by Helena Osswald (FLUP; CITCEM; CEHR).
“Contributions of History Teaching to the Challenges of Citizenship”, by Luís Alberto Marques Alves (FLUP; CITCEM).
“Sociology and History: reflection on the virtues (and some difficulties) of an encounter from a research practice”,by Virgílio Borges Pereira (FLUP, IS-UP).
“”I am a citizen, shout[1]
“Brief historical perspective on citizenship, protest and artivism in Mozambique”, by Lurdes Macedo (ULP, CECS- UM).
Closing Conferences
6 PM – “Contemporaneity and Historicity”, by Rui Cunha Martins (FLUC, CEIS20). Presentation by Francisco Azevedo Mendes.
19H00 – “Pensar uma história e uma memória da cidadania em Portugal: algumas notas a propósito de 1820“, by Isabel Nobre Vargues (FLUC. CEIS 20). Presentation by Duarte de Babo Marinho and João Torres Lima.
Organization: Nuno Bessa Moreira, Duarte de Babo Marinho & CITCEM.
[1] Mozambicanism originated in the English word brother (irmão), adapting the spelling and pronunciation to the Portuguese language while maintaining the original meaning.