Start Date:
End Date:
Investigation Group
Event type:
Permanent Seminar 2020/2021 "Hagiography Before and After Trent" - Session 2
The second session of the Permanent Seminar “Hagiography Before and After Trent” will take place on December 9 at 10:30 am and will be led by Professor Nuno de Pinho Falcão (UNILAB / BA; CITCEM), who will present the paper “Between Cloister and Chair: Laurent Justinian, first Patriarch of Venice and model of a pre-Tridentine reformist prelate”.
The seminar will only take place in online format. Those interested in attending can access the Zoom session from the following link: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/89314521732?pwd=eldOM1pScTZUMmQ4bkxZNjVkK3hxZz09
Organizing Committee:
Paula Almeida Mendes (CITCEM)
Maria João Oliveira e Silva (CITCEM)
Marta Sofia Costa (CITCEM)