Videos of the 17th OIC 2020/21 Session available on YouTube channel
The videos of the 17th ICO, which took place last February 26th, on the theme “Medieval defensive elements”, are already available at CITCEM’s YouTube channel. The proponent of this session was the researcher Andrea Mariani (Territories and Landscapes), who also presented the paper “Medieval Portuguese defensive elements in the territory of the current Diocese of Porto between the 9th and 12th centuries: new studies and interpretations“. The other participants were António Manuel Silva, with the topic “Castelos roqueiros da margem sul da bacia terminal do Douro: (des)encontros entre a arqueologia e a história“, António Lima, with “Castles on the river. About a possible strategy for the fortification of the terminal course of the Douro (9th – 11th century)“ and Luís Sousa, with “Povoamento e estruturas defensivas no concelho de Lousada entre os séculos IX e XII”.
New ICO 2020/2021 videos will be posted regularly.