Videos of the 24th ICO 2020/21 Session available on YouTube channel
The videos of the 24th OIC 2020/21 Session are already available on CITCEM’s YouTube channel. The topic is “The Others in the imperial construction process”, proposed by the researchers Liliana Oliveira (Transaction Values/Values in Transition) and Maria João Silva (Sociabilities and religious practices).
Speakers and their paper titles:
Ana Sofia Ribeiro – From the logic of profit to informal Portuguese representation. The role of Portuguese mercantile networks in the construction of the Portuguese empire
Diogo Andrade Cardoso – Informal networks at the service of the Crown? The settlement of Brazil in the 17th century
Amélia Polónia and Rosa Capelão – The other genders, sexes and sexualities in the Portuguese Empire
Amélia Polónia and Maria João Oliveira e Silva – Women in the imperial construction process: the case of Vila do Conde in the late 16th century
New ICO 2020/2021 videos will be posted regularly.